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Anthosart Green Tool

Anthosart Green Tool is a freely accessible tool dedicated to the species of the Flora d’Italia, and to their value as environmental and cultural assets. This tool is for those who want to engage in design work using wild species, discover in potentials for use (ethnobotanic, food etc.) and seek out the various species of our Flora.


The tool deploys three separate resources: DESIGN, DISCOVER and FIND.




This resource is for users such as farmers and nursery gardeners, designers, local government officials, the public at large and all who wish to embrace the Philosophy of Anthosart, and “build” green zones such a flowerbeds, avenues, hedges, roadside greenery, rock gardens, ponds and temporary wells, and roof garden solutions.

This tool enables users to select from 1,400 plant species (annuals or perennials) growing in the wild in Italy. They have been identified while leaving out exotic species and autochthonous species that are rare or hard to cultivate, while fully abiding by procedures conducive to the safeguarding of nature.

You can readily select groups of species according to the region and environmental characteristics of the site selected, while bearing in mind the look, or aesthetic outcome.

   The species belonging to the flora of Italy that we suggest you use (so that your projects are aligned with nature) are flagged with a small green leaf.



This resource enables users to discover the ethnobotanical and cultural value of approx. 2,100 plants species of our flora.

The specie are catalogued on the basis of their various uses (food, ethnobotanic, cultural and religious/ritual), and also on the basis of the part of the plant used (stalk, stem, trunk, fruit, flower, root). A fact sheet and bibliographic references are provided for users who wish to know more.



This resource may be used when you already know the commonly used or scientific name of the plant that you wish to learn more about. This database includes the more than 7,000 species of the Flora d’Italia.


If you have registered as a user, following your use of the DESIGN and DISCOVER resources, you can save your research by means of the ADD TO LIST function (AGGIUNGI ALLA LISTA), enabling you to create one or more lists of species according to the search criteria adopted. 


As a response to environmental factors, the various species of a given zone form biotic communities (or biocenoses) and enter into competitive relationships, synergies and sometimes even relationships of genuine symbiosis. Nature-based solutions entail use of species that naturally relate to each other, replicating a consolidated cohabitation model reflecting evolutionary consistency.

In order to engage in planning activities in accordance with these principles, while respecting the need to adopt nature-based solutions, Anthosart Green Tool also provides the following two functions:

WINNING PARTNERSHIPS...  (It sits well with .../STA BENE CON... )

For each species selected via the DESIGN resource, you may obtain a grouping of plants that share the same habitat in nature. The groups of species selected in this manner ensure resilience for your green zone and also create ideal conditions for introducing other species into your site. These indications facilitate the task of engendering cohabitation, and reproducing form and colour combinations that the surrounding natural resources for the enjoyment of visitors, while enabling us to engender a continuum between “built” greenery and nature.

FOR PRODUCERS... (Who produces it.../CHI LA PRODUCE...)

This project also aims to create a network of nursery garden operators who, by embracing the philosophy of Anthosart, cultivate the species indicated by this tool, and market these solutions or in any case include them in their catalogues. This section provides contact data for such operators.



Please REGISTER to exploit all the functions of the Anthosart Green Tool!


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